Custom Post Icons for Different Forums (and pre-entered text)
Dear All:
I have been directed here from VB forum
While trying to set up my forum, I have a few more questions which I couldn't find in the manual or the vb forum:
1, How do I assign different default post icons for different forum?
2, How do I add pre-entered texts in post editing window for each different forum?
for example:
Forum id: 1 --> Post Icon id: 4
Forum id: 2 --> Post Icon id: 8
Forum id: 3 --> Post Icon id: 12
Forum id: 4 --> Post Icon id: 1
As one of the team member there told me:
1 & 2) Both of these things are possible with plugins that manipulate the appropriate variables depending on the forum.
I can offer a beer if someone is interested
Thanks in adv