Originally Posted by glenvw
I am a little dense:
What is the difference between vBmates and vBPals?
Also, this looks like a great addon to a blog dating site I have. I think it mentioned you do not need Vbulletin to utilize this. Is that true? Are there any features lost in that case?
Where I wrote that it dosen't needs vBulletin??? If I did, sorry it was my mistake. Sure it needs vb install. It's a module of it. What I wrote is that I don't touch vB's tables but use my own to avoid misworkings in future upgrades of vB. I'm just getting data from it. The only that I did is to add a usergroup.
As for the differencies between vbMates and vbPals:
1.- Has 6 categories (SM, SF, C, G, L, T) instead of 2 (M/F)... (Sorry but I can't write the full category's name. Hope that you can understand).
2.- Uses different questions targeting to an Adult community
3.- Has double profile's details in the same form for couples.