Originally Posted by bada_bing
Wow this is a great mod.. Tried to install it on my vb 3.5.3 site and got a database error when trying to install the plugin so I just exited out hope it didnt add anything to my database... Any chance on making this work for all the 3.5.x users
This is the error generated.. Seeing this did I damage my database? and if so how do I revert what was just entered? SIte seems to work fine
Database error in vBulletin 3.5.3:
Invalid SQL:
### INSERT QUERY GENERATED BY fetch_query_sql() ###
(`active`, `executionorder`, `title`, `hookname`, `phpcode`, `product`)
('1', '5', 'Forum Sponsor', 'forumadmin_edit_form', 'print_yes_no_row($vbphrase[\'sponsorenabled\'], \'forum[sponsorenabled]\', $forum[\'sponsorenabled\']);\r\nprint_input_row($vbphrase[\'sponsorname\'], \'forum[sponsorname]\', $forum[\'sponsorname\']); \r\nprint_input_row($vbphrase[\'sponsorlink\'], \'forum[sponsorlink]\', $forum[\'sponsorlink\']);\r\nprint_input_row($vbphrase[\'sponsorimage\'], \'forum[sponsorimage]\', $forum[\'sponsorimage\']);\r\nprint_textarea_row($vbphrase[\'sponsordescription\'], \'forum[sponsordescription]\', $forum[\'sponsordescription\']);', 'sponsor');
MySQL Error : Unknown column 'executionorder' in 'field list'
Error Number : 1054
Date : Thursday, October 12th 2006 @ 09:46:19 PM