wow, i go away for a month and i haev 500 questions
Originally Posted by Codeman05
Still no luck, this is what I'm getting with the java upload...
"Upload error: Upload failed: 'user id: 5 doesn't have permission: core.addDataItem for item id: 22'."
Any suggestions?
can you post the code that you have inserted into the integration script? i will haev to look around in the code again to see if i can find the right code to pull..
Originally Posted by GrandAmGuru
Ok, disregard my previous post. I have the gallery working fully outside the forum. When I view it from an embedded view, something is up with the style. I don't have all the navigation links like I do when I view outside the forum.
Check the screen caps below.
I known when I was monkeying around with it before it did this same thing, and I ended up completely removing and reinstalling. Could it possibly be a corrupted style or something?
the issue is realted to the URL REWRITE!!!! the rewrite does not play well with "embed mode". somebody said in this thread they had it working, but i haev yet to have it all working... remove all of the check boxes and add them in 1 by one... i only have 2 or 3 things workin with the rewrite....
Originally Posted by fishhub
My installation completed and things work fine, except the link below user within VB once click on error comes out:->
You don't have permission to access /forum/gallery2/g2data/albums/xxxxx/ on this server.
Can any kind soul help? Thanks.
where is your path pointing?
give me this info:
forum lacation:
gallery location:
where the integration file is:
Originally Posted by xitrum
Hi all,
I follow instructions to install gallery2 on the same root folder as my forum and everything seems to work ok. I was able to upload and view images as standalone version:
but when I switch to the embeded version:
I don't see any thumbnails in my gallery? Any idea. TIA for you help.
PS. Gallery 2.1, VBB 3.6
im going to blame this one on the URL rewrite again.... try to uncheck everything, validate it all works, then check things one by one till they stop working...
right now, i bet that if you look at where the links point it is saying something like <site name> gallery/
v/xxxx/xxxx. the key is that v. that is from the url rewrite. and the embed mode does not understand that very well...
Originally Posted by Chet T16
Can anyone tell me what to remove from the gallery code posted so that it is a purely visual integration?
can you give me more detail on what you are looking for?
Originally Posted by xitrum
================================================== ==
I found out that the path to images directory is not correct when using the
embeded gallery link. Images link shown:
instead of:
Forum installed at: http://<domainurl>/forum
Gallery2 installed at: http://<domainurl>/forum/gallery2
Can someone please shed some light on this issue? TIA.
i really hate to say this again.. but looks like URL rewrite... try disabling all of the rewrite and see if it works fine...