Well, as above... This only works via ONE IP address! With AOL (my nightmare) when a AOL user dials into AOL they IP address will shift AS they browse and the same AOL user can have dozens of IP addresses. Because AOL shares these IPs with all their users, blocking IPs will have two problems!
1. You will not be effective in blocking the person you want to block
2. You will be blocking people you want to be able to visit the site (BLOCKING EVERYTHING - Regradless if they log in or not)
By using the IP and IP Host method, you can start with a single IP to see if that gets the problem person to go away. If they get in with more IPs, well then you can go to the host level. The other thing with the scripts I have posted, these ONLY impact guests! If the guest logs in, they will be able to use your forum (obviously different with this register version).
Now, with this script, let's assume you have problems from some former Com-Block IP host that keeps posting spam. You close their accounts but they keep comming back. With this script you can block their IP or IP Hst from registering and no new registrations. Perhaps they can e-mail you to get access or perhaps you don't care. Just the same, these guests would still be able to browse the site using this method where other methods they would not be able to do so.
So, the difference in this script compared to CPanel or vBulletin's built in is that it can allow some actions but not all actions based on IP address. You can now block registration, posting, or viewing of posts for guests based on their IP address. By adding new pluggins, you can do much more as posted in my IP_NoView! version of this script.