Originally Posted by oberheimhaven
I have installed is there suppose to be a drop down menu?
No, there is no visible change. Please look at the top, there is the short-description what this hack do.
To give an example:
You have installed the following languages on your board: English, German, French.
A visitor, that has never been bevore on your forum comes to your website with the board. Without any modification the user see the board in the language, you have defined as default. Let's say English. To change the language the user has to select it from the drop-down menu at the bottom.
With this hack, a first-time visitor from France would see the board immedeately in French, without changing the language manually.
That's what the hack is doing.
How you set the hack correct to the languages you have installed, is described in the downloadable installation-description.
How to get there, has
uspange described in the post above very good.