I have not tested it with 3.6.0, but it works for all 3.5.x versions and for 3.6.2, so it should work for 3.6.0 and 3.6.1 too.
After you have installed the plugin, there will be not new points in the settings. You have to go to the plugin-area and edit the plugin-code direct. So click on "Plugins & Products" in the left menue in the Admin-CP, then select "Plugin Manager".
There you click on "Edit" at the plugin "Set automatic forumlanguage to browserlanguage". To have a better overview increase the size of the edit-box 3 or 4 times. Scroll to the end of the plugin-code. There you find direct above the edit-description the lines, where you can assign the language-code to your language ID.
If you still have problems to find it, I can provide some screenshots.
Best regards