Hello everyone.
my forum changed radically and we're working on something different (won't say new since everything has been invented since long on the net

We're proposing a framework where everybody can drop his idea (internet related) to share it, get opinions, comments and help from the community (free)
After some chats and pm's we got several returns from people with ideas telling they had no place to test it (understand account).
The ideas are there but..
Since we have a server with plenty of room (private hosting), we are playing with the idea to propose if needed the poster of a good idea a little fully functional account (Cpanel driven). This will then become the testbed for the idea. It can start it's life with everything needed to become a success. For bigger projects/ideas we can always adapt if needed.
Once the idea is mature, free to find a fixed new spot. This account is there as long the idea is in the think tank and active (understand posting)
Now we'd like to have some
return on the idea from you. What do you think ? Would this interest you if you had an idea ??