Originally Posted by dbarry
Tried installing this one, I'm getting this error:
Database error in vBulletin 3.6.1:
Invalid SQL:
SELECT imageid, images.title, images.description, filename, thumbname, originalname, extension, images.catid ,images.userid, images.username, images.title, images.description, images.dateline, images.views, images.lastpostdateline, images.lastpostuserid, images.lastpostusername, votenum, votetotal
FROM adv_gallery_images AS images
WHERE valid = 1
ORDER BY dateline DESC
MySQL Error : Table 'electrak_forum.adv_gallery_images' doesn't exist Error Number : 1146
I had the same issue. After a little research on the photopost.com release thread I noticed that with the vBGallery v2.0 GOLD release that there are quite a few database table name changes (if not all of them).
Originally Posted by PhotoPost.com vBGallery v2.0 GOLD Release Thread
In order to not conflict with other vBAdvanced products the tables of the gallery have been renamed. The prefix of tables changed from adv_gallery_ to ppgal_
adv_gallery_categories --> ppgal_categories
adv_gallery_customfields --> ppgal_customfields
adv_gallery_customfields_entries --> ppgal_customfields_entries
adv_gallery_ecards --> ppgal_ecards
adv_gallery_exif --> ppgal_exif
adv_gallery_favorites --> ppgal_favorites
adv_gallery_filetypes --> ppgal_filetypes
adv_gallery_images --> ppgal_images
adv_gallery_moderator --> ppgal_moderator
adv_gallery_permissions --> ppgal_permissions
adv_gallery_posts --> ppgal_posts
adv_gallery_rate --> ppgal_rate
adv_gallery_search --> ppgal_search
adv_setting --> ppgal_setting
adv_settinggroup --> ppgal_settinggroup
adv_gallery_subscribecat --> ppgal_subscribecat
adv_gallery_subscribeimage --> ppgal_subscribeimage
When you upgrade this will stop hacks in your site that use the gallery's old tables. Please disable or repair the add-ons in your site before upgrade.
I imagine users that are running the v2.0 betas with the older database table names are not having this issue but users like us that have installed the latest v2.0 GOLD with the new table names are out of luck with the hack until Zach updates it.
It appears that an updated version has been released by Zach on the PhotoPost forums
HERE as it lists the vBGallery version as "v2.0 GOLD". The README.TXT in that download confirms this with the latest version notes. I am out of time tonight but will attempt to install that one tomorrow.