Originally Posted by peterska2
The way it works in IE6 is available in tabular format in a modification by amykhar. You cannot get it to stay in one place on the screen as it does in firefox and IE7 using tables - believe me I tried for ages.
are you reffering to my post?
If yes, I was not reffering to the "feature" of it staying in place as the rest of the page scrolls. I was implying that it floats a certian distance from the left side of the screen, the horizontal alignment does not work with sites that use a fixed width, since on 1024X768, its located 50px from the left side, a user in 1600X1200 rez will still have it 50 px from the left, meaning its out of location.
I fixed it on my clients side by switching to tables, deleted the css, added in a new column, and aligned it to the top. yes it dosent "float" but i didnt need it to.