Are there the following hack or similar?
1) May appears a member of a childforum staff appears as a normal user in other childforum
2) Different member list for a single childforum
3) Different management of usergroup for each childforum.
4) Chance for an admin to have a complete panel admin but only for a childforum? (and obviously, without the permissions to manage the SQL options of database of entire forum) and so to have a childadmin for a single childforum?
5) Chance for a childadmin of manage the users of only his childforum.
And others that now i don't remember
Originally Posted by Uebbino
Are there the following hack or similar?
1) May appears a member of a childforum staff appears as a normal user in other childforum
2) Different member list for a single childforum
3) Different management of usergroup for each childforum.
4) Chance for an admin to have a complete panel admin but only for a childforum? (and obviously, without the permissions to manage the SQL options of database of entire forum) and so to have a childadmin for a single childforum?
5) Chance for a childadmin of manage the users of only his childforum.
And others that now i don't remember 
Nobody can't help me?