Hi Loco !
Sorry to hear that your site was down.
But also sorry to say, that
1.) You can see in the thread, that it is not prove from me, that the hack is working with 3.6.x
2.) I can't understand why people install hacks in their productive environment before testing any change in a local test-installation. If someone has a private fun-board and don't want to do that, o.k. but honestly, doing that with a page, that brings money, I have no understanding.
As I said, I will try to prepare it for 3.6.2 as soon, as RL give me a little bit time.
Best regards
[EDIT] O.k. that was easier than I thought: The plugin is working as it is for 3.6.2 (So probalby it works also for 3.6.0 and 3.6.1 but have not tested the other 3.6 versions.)
That mean, you probably have done something wrong, when you modified to plugin to set it to the correct languages. Please read again the instruction in the xml-file and do only the modification as it is described there.
I will publish the hack on the weekend in the 3.6 area with a exact description in the text-file, so no one can miss it what and how to change.