Originally Posted by Wheemer
I installed this mod, without adding any domains or ips in the options.
Then guests were already seeing the warning and half my sites visitors couldn't view anything...
Not good at all!
I can't reproduce this... I ran a test on my server with both text areas empty and guests had no problems. I also do not see any reason in the code that "null" would cause this problem as the IP match is a vebatum match and the Host code already eliminates "null" values.
So, my guess is your server is not able to resolve IP addresses or Hosts but I can't tell without seeing it... Perhaps you can echo your IP and HOST to see if these variables have values.
If this does not work for you, I am afraid that that the other program you asked for will not work either! Try adding your own IP address to the blocked list and log out and see if this works. Then, add your HOST to the blocked list (no IP) and then confirm if it works.
If they don't work, then this looks like a server issue on your end.