In the meantime:--
the main forum page looks funny , is out of line , dont' display the cats right , yet the rest is fine :
Category forum descriptions- , most fancy- top styles will not allow the use of them as they will cause another line. With the area for the title being a set height this may cause the center to be larger and the ends which are a fixed image to center themselves on the new induced height, causing the forumhome page to lose its layout.
Known problems :
1. All forums "must" have a Category header, main title in which to list the forums under or they will not display right .
- - Our styles are of the split forum type and must have this Category header .
This can be remedied by changing code and would be a custom set up . This setup may be effected by adding new forums and categories and may or may not need a code change every time a forum is added or a layout change is needed .
2. The category Header is a must , the forums have to be arranged :
- - All Category header with only forums under it .
- - A category header with only categories under it and no forums.
- - With all of the forums or forum 'first' , then the categories at the bottom of the forum listing .
again this can be altered with a custom code that may need editing when forums or a layout change is needed .
90% of people dont' need to worry about these problems, but you need to be aware of them and the problems that it can cause .
the threads being too wide -
with the addition of the sides and my not using a smaller screen size ( 800x ) .
the code block may still be at the vB default of 640 .
this depending on the post bit your using needs to be reduced .
In the admin -cp -> styles & templates -> Style Manager : from the drop down menu in the style choose/ select -> StyleVars .
on a fixed style of 770 we have set the -> Code Block Width (pixels) to 480px . this is working .
In the meantime, we will double check everything and will update the file with the new settings shortly.