Im not sure if anyone else has this issue..
But in the group forum... I can post a thread no problem. But then when you go and view that new thread, there is no way to reply to it except to click the 'quote' button.
The reply button is missing... and so is the quick reply button. The Quick Reply box at the bottom appears but is not functional.
What do I do?
I seem to be getting an error in IE6 and I see that it is saying there is an issue here in the code on my groups forum thread view page:
<div> <a href="#" onclick="grps_imwindow('aim', '3', 400, 200<img src="" alt="Send a message via AIM to Chad" border="0" /></a> <a href="#" onclick="grps_imwindow('msn', '3', 400, 200<img src="" alt="Send a message via MSN to Chad" border="0" /></a> <a href="#" onclick="grps_imwindow('yahoo', '3', 400, 200<img src="" alt="Send a message via Yahoo to Chad" border="0" /></a> </div>
I think the error is that you have onClick= ... and then an img tag is right within that onclick. You didnt end the onclick function