No ace, I wasn't directing that at you... just a general observation.
I've seen many complaint threads here and on SitePoint where it's completely one-sided until the other person shows up and reveals a boatload of contradicting evidence. In many cases, you can't tell who is lieing and who is being honest.
I'm not defending him... just bringing up the possibility that he might not be a crook. I have no doubts about what you have posted and I'm in no way calling you a liar. I'm sorry if I made you feel that way.
Yes, 5 months is a long time (especially for a medium-sized hack based on the price). He should have no problem finishing or refunding by then. But, only he knows what what going on in his head, which is what I'd like to hear.
I'm actually surprised he hasn't found (replied) to this thread yet... he has posted a few threads since and even more replies. Well, I'm sure he will soon enough... otherwise, keep us posted!