Again, not trying to be an arse here, but as a father of five kids, running two boards, one on line since 1999 and huge, professional photographer, lecturer, speaker, instructor, author, writer and on the road, it's very difficult for me too to have to go to upteen different VB forums. I guess we're both saying the same thing--we both have the prioritization of time issues. Not trying to diss you, just thought the whole idea of a place like is to centralize hacks and mods and all that evolves around them--now that saves time for everyone.
You could do what some other folks do at other sites, post links back here to their mods/hack from other sites, again, to centralize so everyone can see the latest and greatest on a hack.
On the other hand, I can understand support forums on other locations for paid mods sold at other sites, that is understandable to support the product. Just my thoughts, wishing you the best, rg sends!