Originally Posted by Neutral Singh
This gr8 piece of coding makes changes in the core vb database files like usergroups... so i thought it would be nice to have uninstaller just in case somebody wants to reinstall or uninstall the plugin.
How do we update Templates after every upgrade. I installed a new skin after installing groups addon but its not showing up the right path for images. I dont want to manually edit the templates to achieve this... Please guide me;... http://www.sikhphilosophy.net/groups/
One thing more that i like to report is that once we are in Groups Module there is no way to get back to the forums as all links are suffixed with groups directory.
hmm, the last person that reported that had a ZSEO problem, i notice, you don't have ZSEO but instead vBSEO, try disabling that and checking whether or not that works (as to identifying your problem) as for the templates, the only way is to uninstall and reinstall at present. though now i know what you mean regarding an installer, it's a good idea, but a little more work than i'm willing to put in right now.