There are some little thinks I?d like to have in this great hack. They really seam little to me, has anybody an Idea, how to?
First question
If a ticket-moderator has a new ticket assigned to him or a new answer to an existing ticket there should appear a little grafic in the nav-menu. Just like a sentance under the messages-sentence (navbar):
Welcome, JulianWolf.
You last visited: 21. Sep 2006 at 20:00
Private Messages: Unread 0, Total 57.
You have x new tickets to moderate
As far as this only affects the assigned tickets I?d love to have another sentence just for a smaller group (only the support-admins, who can assign tickets):
Welcome, JulianWolf.
You last visited: 21. Sep 2006 at 20:00
Private Messages: Unread 0, Total 57.
You have x new tickets to moderate
There are x unassigned tickets in the system
This would completely solve the eMail-question. As long as I have a visual information on the navbar I don?t need another eMail-notification.
Second question, a little more complex
Can I directly assign tickets by the category? Means: A ticket from category x should always directly assigned to moderator a, a ticket from category y always to moderator b and so on.
Third question, a very easy one
How can I built up a link where the category is prechoiced? For example I like to have a link "Forum-Problems" which should automatically go to the "new ticket"-page with the link "". This is easy, but how can I pre-choice that the link also puts the category "Forum-Problems" as the standart-choice in the form?
Last question
I?m a little unsecure about "forgotten tickets". For example: If another moderator doesn?t answer on the ticket, is there a way to "warn" the moderators?
An example: If a ticket isn?t answered in 3 days there is a warning-message on every ticket-admin like that one:
Welcome, JulianWolf.
You last visited: 21. Sep 2006 at 20:00
Private Messages: Unread 0, Total 57.
You have x new tickets to moderate
There are x unassigned tickets in the system
There are x old tickets still open
Is all that solvable? And, what do you think? Is it usefull?
Best wishes, Julian!