Originally Posted by TheBlackPoet
microhellas's hack looks really nice..... real nice..... i used osdating.. http://www.tufat.com/s_free_dating_system.htm it is a 100% free open source dating program.. and it can be bridged with vbulletin (if i remember correctly)...
i ended up using another more flexible program, but its nice for a good start...
when microhellas's hack comes available... i'd like to be one the first to install....
I certainly agree that's very nice. As I wrote before I'm in dating sites as webmistress (and not webmaster

) for nearly 10 years. I've bought more than 10 commercial scripts (aeDating, DatingSoftware, eMarvel, Webdate, MatchAgency (the most expensive version), but I was never happy. I've tried that script and also I bought FlashChat from them (even for $5

). Do you know what happen to me? Two(2) times my site has been hacked!! Someone using the directory where it keeps appsdata.txt (if I remember well) which should be always with 777 permissions, put there a e-Bay page for login to thief login details. Even living in Greece I had problems with FBI till to prove them that I had no idea about this
For those who are interesting on vbMates and/or vbPals here is the link of the new thread: