Hello there, i'd like to know how this is possible, since i'm not much of an advanced coder ---->
As you can see, they have enabled the login system on the main page along with a welcome message after registration. They also have a comments system (which i suppose is done via a hidden forum section) on the main page which enables users to comment on certain 'news'. If the user is displayed in the guest group, then it requests them to login.
However, i would like to request some additional features along with this. I would like to have a registration page on the main site, which then sends the registration information and registers a person on the forums and website. Then according to their comments login system. I'd like only logged in members to be able to view a link on my site (not the forum) such as a downloads page which is only available to them.
Alternatively, i would prefer to know how it is possible to have a separate membership system for a site, ie:
www.narutofan.com and
www.narutocentral.com and whether it can be coded for free or charge.
As you can see in NF and NC, becoming a member allows a user to access certain downloads (if not, a login window pops up) as well as having a comments system which also displays the user's comments and the number of comment posts. Along with that they even have a private messaging system and a miniprofile, with options to add an avatar etc..
To me, i would prefer much of the second system. Thanks in advance.