I did it and the same problem appears...
I?m running 3.6.1, I cannot give you acces to the server or Admincp, sorry about that.
This is the list of plugins:
Auto-PM Staff on User Ban 1.0 This will automaticly send a PM to all Administrators and Moderators when a member is banned
Digital Point Co-Op Ad Network 1.0 Allows you to run ads for the Digital Point <a href="http://www.digitalpoint.com/tools/ad-network/" target="_blank">Co-Op Ad Network</a>
DownloadsII 5.0.2 A Download Database for vB
FlashChat Integration 3.07 Integration of Flashchat and vBulletin 3.6
GARS 2.0.0 RC 4 Geek Article and Review System
Google Talk IM Icon 1.0 Adds the IM icons.
ibProArcade for vBulletin 2.5.6 ibProArcade - professional Arcade System for vBulletin
Infraction Moderation 0.9 Only allows moderators to give infractions in forums they have moderation privlages to.
iTrader 2.0.1 Trader Feedback System
Members who are using flashchat 4.32 Display members who are currently chatting in Flashchat.
Members who have visited the forum 4.31 Display members who have visited the forum.
Mini Navbar 1.0.4 Places a breadcrumb from the navbar on the bottom of a thread
Moderation Auto-PM 2.0.1 Automaticly PMs a user when their thread is moderated
Plugin Based Template Cache 1.0.3 Plugin based Template-to-File cache without file modification
Prevent Doubleposts 1.0 Beta 4 This Modification prevents doubleposts by merging post together, if the last poster of a thread tries to post again.
Rules and User Agreement Hack 1.1.5 Agreement Rules Systems
Separate Sticky and Normal Threads 1.0.5 Separate Sticky and Normal Threads
Show Itrader In Profile 1.00 This product allows you to show a user's itrader info in his/her profile.
Spam Decimator 1.0.5 Spam Killing Extension
Sub-Forums Arranger 1.7 Cyb - Sub-Forums Arranger
Thread Prefixes 1.6.1 This product allows your users to choose a thread prefix for each thread which will be displayed in front of the thread title.
Usergroup Allow HTML 3.5.0 Specify usergroups whose HTML posts will be parsed
vBSEO 3.0.0 RC6 vBulletin SEO
vBSEO :: Sitemap Generator 1.7 Generate a Google & Yahoo Sitemap for your Forums
Welcome Headers 4.1.1 Boost registration and activity rates with more visible guest welcome and member status messages.
Yet Another Award System 3.5 2.1.2 https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=94836
[APM] Advanced Product Management 3.0.0 A powerful tool to manage product. All (codes/plugins/templates/phrases/settings) in one!