Short overview of the needed modifications
1. Files that need to be edited:
- /showthread.php (Display prefix in 'Similar Threads')
- /clientscript/vbulletin_textedit.js (JavaScript error message if no prefix was selected)
- /includes/class_dm_threadpost.php (Prefix within emails to moderators)
- /includes/functions_databuild.php (Update prefix in column 'Last Post' for mod functions)
- /includes/functions_online.php (Display prefix in 'Who's online')
It is your decision if you need the above functions or if you decide do use the product without file modifications!
You don't have to do the file modifications as the product will work even though without them!
Of these options only one file can be modified in vB 3.6.2 and that is
/includes/functions_online.php. The file
/showthread.php has two instances of the code to change but the installation instructions do not clarify if both need to be changed. None of the others have the code that needs modification. I hope this will be updated soon to take account of the changes from 3.6.1 to 3.6.2