Hi, I can`t seem to shake this bug. I`m implementing OO php hacks into my vbulletin. So I implement the __autoload() function to free me of including each depending file in each class.
This is my file autoloader.php :
function __autoload($className)
$userColorDir = "./hackincludes/UserColor/$className.php" ;
$persistenceDir = "./hackincludes/Persistence/$className.php" ;
$memberGroupDir = "./hackincludes/MemberGroup/$className.php" ;
$freshAlbumDir = "./hackincludes/FreshAlbum/$className.php" ;
$imageCreatorDir = "./hackincludes/ImageCreator/$className.php" ;
$albumsDir = "./hackincludes/Albums/$className.php" ;
$deleteSpammerDir = "./hackincludes/DeleteSpammer/$className.php" ;
$listeningDir = "./hackincludes/Listening/$className.php" ;
$musicDir = "./hackincludes/Music/$className.php" ;
$wishListDir = "./hackincludes/WishList/$className.php" ;
if(file_exists($userColorDir)) require_once($userColorDir) ;
else if(file_exists($persistenceDir)) require_once($persistenceDir) ;
else if(file_exists($memberGroupDir)) require_once($memberGroupDir) ;
else if(file_exists($freshAlbumDir)) require_once($freshAlbumDir) ;
else if(file_exists($imageCreatorDir)) require_once($imageCreatorDir) ;
else if(file_exists($albumsDir)) require_once($albumsDir) ;
else if(file_exists($deleteSpammerDir)) require_once($deleteSpammerDir) ;
else if(file_exists($listeningDir)) require_once($listeningDir) ;
else if(file_exists($musicDir)) require_once($musicDir) ;
else if(file_exists($wishListDir)) require_once($wishListDir) ;
else print "class $className not found.<br />" ;
The problem occurs when I globally include this file in global_start:
require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/hackincludes/autoloader.php') ;
My users get a blank page when trying to retrieve the activation codes or password (and I can recreate it). It might happen in other instances also but I haven`t discovered it yet. Probably something with the email system that don`t handle __autoload too well (why not?), or if anyone has any idea I would appreciate to hear it?