Log system for visitors
I've been wanting this for a while. I am a little rusty and wanted to find out the best way to implement this into Logician's Web Templates.
Basically what I wanted to write was;
- Log detailed information about each unique user (every unique IP)
-- IP / hostname
-- Username (or 'Guest')
-- Time
-- Date
-- Browser
-- OS
-- Referral address (if applicable, otherwise 'n/a')
-- (hard one) # of Visits
--- As well as any other information which is interesting which I might have missed.
- Have this viewable only by the administrator. (which is easily implemented into the template)
From the way I understand it, there is currently no such feature in vBulletin.
I am running vB version 3.5.4 (I can't be hassled to upgrade to 3.6.x)
Would really appreciate any help with this.