OK. I tried again with a new installation on my local machine and everything seems to work (now even thumbnails displayed when i access gallery2.php) ...except when I add a new item to the album.
After uploaded a new photo, the browser refresh with this URL:
http://<mydomain>/gallery2.php?g2_view=core.ItemAdmin&g2_subView=cor e.ItemAddConfirmation&g2_itemI d=7&g2_statusId=x5a383bbd&g2_navId=x58f76c22
It should have been:
http://<mydomain>/forum/gallery2.php?g2_view=core.ItemAdmin&g2_subView=cor e.ItemAddConfirmation&g2_itemI d=7&g2_statusId=x5a383bbd&g2_navId=x58f76c22
So the script actually pickup only the basename of the domain name. If I insert /forum to the URL and refresh then it works!
Can someone please help showing me how to fix this problem? TIA.
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I think I found the problem now. It was with these 2 lines in gallery2.php file
$ret = GalleryEmbed::init(array('embedUri' => '/forum/gallery2.php',
'g2Uri' => 'http://<full domain name>/forum/gallery2/',
The first line must have full path from the root of httpd. The second line should have the full domain name.
Everything works now. Thanks. Great mod.
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Man... I am having a headache with this and almost giving up now.. Wonder if anyone with the same problem or anyone can help out with this.
My standalone gallery2 works fine with:
but when I tried the embeded version, I lost the theme and only the text display so it take up a lot of screen real estate:
I have gallery2 installed as:
On my local test machine, the embeded version display correct theme. Only the production env it doesn't display correctly. Don't know what the differences are. There must be a very simple explanation to this! PLEASE HELP. TIA