Originally Posted by phifou
Gio's website turned off and showing only this disclaimer :
"What i am about to announce i believe is both expected and already fore-casted by various people. For a 15 year old, it is obvious that managing a business with hundreds of customers, paid customers for large projects, school, and a normal life can be overwhelming at the least. This has led to various complications, including hospitalization and such. It has been time for me to do this for a while now. I will be "retiring" and taking down my business for a while. If and when i do come back, things will be done differently (hopefully for the better).
When it was good, it was great. I'm sure plenty of you can agree with that. However, I'd rather take a rest now and come back even better, than continue things the way they are and jeopardize my reputation forever.
Also, to answer some questions:
1) Can i take a script and have someone improve it? Sure, you just cannot resell any of the scripts.
2) Can i improve the script myself? Resort to answer number 1.
3) What if i am interested in a script still, would it be possible for me to purchase one even though the business is down? You may email me at gio@dopegfx.com"
The website is back up! In fact he's back in business!!
He appears to have changed his business, but he's still working obviously. This is a complete con!
He's ripped us all off and now moved to a new line of business with the same web address.
I think it's time I made his customers aware of what they are dealing with.