1. Where do I go to find where these variables are defined so that I can redefine them (is it in the actual php file on the server, or in one of the templates)
These variables are defined in the PHP files. They can be tested and accessed in the templates to allow for some logic testing in the templates.
2. Is there any danger to not using these values. For example I've been using normal html links to image files because its easier for me (a non programmer)
Yes. These variables are here to help make your life easier. If you update the domain to your community and you are hardcoding the url to images instead of using the dynamic variable
HTML Code:
You will have a huge headache trying to update every hardcoded template. I can't stress it enough that you should get to know the structure of vBulletin and its variables if you are looking at modifying it.
There are some great tutorials and articles here. The following link is a nice organize list of them: