Originally Posted by Hades-1
also im trying to install autocreate-threads
but the instructions inside the zip arnt very clear and the wiki doesnt provide install instructions for that, could u help me out?
Step 1: Installing the plugin
-> VB/admincp/plugins and products
Download/Upload plugins
Import either autocreate-plugin.xml or autocreate-2way-plugin.xml
The first plugin creates new threads with a message with a link to the new LDM entry. The second plugin does the same, but also modifies the LDM entry description to include a link to the thread.
Once installed, the plugin is active.
Step 2: Using the plugin
The plugin runs automatically whenever a new entry is created in LDM *provided* that entry is "associated" with a forum. Entries are either "associated" with a forum by default (if the admin has set the LDM setting default_forumid), implicitly by picking it up from the category's associated forum (Add/Edit category) or explicitly in the Add Entry form, by users who have the LDM permission *can_set_permissions*.
Forum associations are normally used in LDM to set up access permissions, but this association is picked up by the plugin to decide where to post the new thread.
If an entry is created without an associated forum, the plugin does nothing.
Step 3: Modifying the plugin (Advanced Use!!)
If you want the plugin only to fire in certain LDM categories, you can edit it. There are two lines in each plugin with the php code $limitcats = array(); You need to change the array statement to include a list of the category numbers where the plugin will fire. You can find the category numbers by looking for the "catid" that is shown when you hover the mouse over a link to the category.
Normally, you will not need to worry about this - just install the plugin and let it run.