Originally Posted by jgommel
* Sorry for the duplicate post (I posted the same question on the 3.5 version of this app accidentally *
I recently installed LDM and really love this app, but I'd like to utilize my own icons instead of the stock ones. My site is dark - It utilizes multiple shades of grey.
I'm currently developing a bunch of 16x16 icons for my website, but I'm using .png instead of .gif. I decided to use PNGs because they render shadows much better than GIFs. I can create an icon with a drop shadow and use the same icon on both a white or a dark colored website.
Can someone tell me whether it's possible to utilize a .png icon with LDM? If I only need to edit a template or two (or more) that's fine - I just need to know which ones.
Currently, LDM is 'hard coded' to use gifs. However, it's a minor change to the current version, and I'll make this standard from the next release.
Edit includes/local_links_include.php
Find function get_icons()
Six lines later, edit the line
if (preg_match("/(.*?).gif/", $file, $matches)) {
to read
if (preg_match("/(.*?).(gif|jpg|png)/", $file, $matches)) {
Find the line
$linkfavicon = mk_file_name($links_defaults['file_icons_dir'],'myfav.gif');
and change myfav.gif
Find the line
$linkediticon = mk_file_name($links_defaults['file_icons_dir'],'pencil.gif');
and change pencil.gif
That should do it, I think.