Not bad for a dark style although it isn't really suitable for use on dialup as it takes forever to load (took almost 3 mins for the forumhome to finish loading)
Your buttons under your banner are rather fuzzy and pretty difficult to make out - in fact I have no idea at all what a couple of them say.
You also have a lot of empty forums. You may wish to consider making these members only or removing them. Empty forums always give a bad impression to visitors. For example your direct sequels category could all be one forum with a prefix modification for the actual sequel that the thread refers too. The same applies for your spinoffs category.
The only other style specific thing that I can't figure out is why you have what appear to me to be reindeers for your forum icon when the forum is locked and birds for the rest and also how the animals fit with the game theme.
On the whole it looks good though.