Originally Posted by Draygonia
Is there a way I can change that skin? I would like to change it to another one, but I have no idea how to do that 
The current skin cannot be changed, it was specifically designed to look like an ipod as much as possible, including all the emulated functions - apart from the volume control. The whole design was integrated with the look, hence the actual look cannot be changed without ruining certain features. I designed it originally for use on myspace.com profiles back in March, but I never actually released it, and it did win an award for best lookalike in one group.
There are numerous mp3 players on the net which sell for around $30 each, but I don't intend to charge for my design - and they allow for different skins. The pro version mentioned in the first post will have many more features than any commercial ones on the net, and packed with a few different players for different usage.
The pro release will have the ability to change skins, change color tint via a HEX value and an alpha setting. However, this version will be integrated directly into the vBulletin database, and not due out for awhile yet.
A 'black gloss' skinned player will be released later this week, with some new features, followed by the 'silver skinned' version.
So, as you can see there is alot planned for this modification - and the current one was just a 'small mod' that I didn't think would attract so much attention.
I will fully support this version and forthcoming versions of this modification, with many new features that have been discussed throughout this thread.