This is why CMX hasn't been around:
vbBux / vbPlaza Status V2.0 Update!
First Off: No I have not abandoned the project!
Second Off: I've had some complications over the past few weeks.
I am making progress on vbBux / vbPlaza v2.0. The Alpha 1 is up and running at for those interesting in checking it out.
I've been really busy as of late with everything, and I mean everything, work, home life, social life, etc... 2 of my dogs even had 3 puppies a piece so it's been really hectic here.
The core code for V2 has been almost entirely re-written from scratch. I've added some new features for Item management and a bit more. I've even done away with the plugin hooks for the individual Items in favor of some "Step" evaulation coding. For example: Every single Item in the Admin CP has an area that is dedicated to "Step" Evaluation Code. All you do is enter the step number. (e.g. Enter 1 for the purchase confirmation step for most items, or 2 for the actual purchasing of the item.) And then type up the PHP code you want to perform at that Step. And the script will "eval"uate that code at the step number you have indicated.
It should allow for easier modifications. Like for example, if you don't want a certain user using the Theif Option you would put something like this:
For Step ID: 2
if ($vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] == XX) { print_no_permission(); }
There are many uses that you could put into the step evaluation code.
This should cut the number of hooks that vbPlaza has by a ton. (Before v1 had almost as many hooks as the entire vBulletin )
Not to mention the sheer amount of items to purchase in the vbPlaza has jumped up to 195 items!! With some of the features being only for vBulletin 3.6.x as well.
I'm not sure if I will continue to keep the compatibility with vBulletin 3.5.x, due to the fact that ALL 4 of my sites currently run vBulletin 3.6.x. Only time will be able to tell this.
This v2.0 has take up quite a bit of my time as well. In reality, the script is getting to where it has to become a paid script in the end. So the final release of v2.0 will probably be a "lite" for the and other vBulletin hacker sites community downloads. And the v2.0 Full version will be a purchased script. I hope this doesn't upset too many people, and I will try to keep the price very reasonable as I know this will be a popular script. IMHO, some of the other paid scripts out there just plain cost too much.
So I will be very fair with the pricing. When you see the price and the amount of new bells, whistles, items, admin security, and other features, you won't feel cheated in the slightest.
I haven't had time to answer any of the posts at about vbBux / vbPlaza v1.x series either. And with the advancement of v2.0, I doubt I will be supporting the v1.x series in the future as well as the v1.x series will be obsolete once v2.0 is ready for release. And if I would continue to support the v1.x series, it would just slow down the progress of v2.0 as most of the engine has been rewritten. So it just wouldn't make sense to continue to support v1.x at this point in the game.
I hope everyone will continue to support vbBux / vbPlaza into the future.