Originally Posted by photics
This is an interesting thread.
I'm having a tough time deciding between vBSEO & Zoints.
Zoints negatives: - I heard it was buggy
- I don't understand the motive. Is this a tool to boost the Zoint Network? If so, what are the disavantages to my website?
- Why lesser GPL, not just the GPL?
VBSEO negatives: - I don't like their license agreement. Even if it's for silly reasons... why's it a white text on black background? What does "(FTD)" mean? What if I don't want to consent to the laws of Puerto Rico? Why hasn't it been updated in so long? What if I wanted to run a pornography forum?
- $149 is a lot of money. What happens if a free version does turn out to be better, or if Jelsoft makes SEO part of vBulletin?
Heh... this is not as simple as Wordpress, where SEO is already part of the system. That's the most unfortunate drawback of switching from Wordpress to vBulletin for my content management.
As far as i see zoints engineers are trying to solve every problem they had with their script. So i believe the bugs will be cleared out soon from zoints seo. I am really happy abouıt a good free seo hack released at vb.org and i wish all vb.org coders will work to ge zoints seo better.
For vBSEO you cannot run an adult content site with vBSEO. I believe Joe will respond better then me for the license agreement but i want to comment on vBSEO's price.
SEO is really an expensive thing. a regular vBulletin coder will charge you probably 10-20$ an hour but an SEO expert will charge you 70-80$ an hour. Because it requires hard work and you can have a return from your expenses you made to seo. 149$ is nothing while each other day you can start making more money from your board. I purchased vBSEO 7 month ago. The impact vBSEO did to my board cannot be explained. Only one example i had 21 k indexed pages at google then now i have more then 310 k.
It may sound expensive but you are also paying 160 for vBulletin why ? because it is a good quality product. vBSEO is even better then vBulletin because vbulletin wont help you making mopre money but vBSEO does
What happens if a free version does turn out to be better, or if Jelsoft makes SEO part of vBulletin? also do you really expect this ? People expected for a cms or a gallery hack for so long time from vBulletin. If you really do please continue hoping that