Originally Posted by amykhar
This mod is more of a template for you to decide what you want to do with users based on that profle field. You code the logic of where they are sorted. The mod itself hooks to the right place and gets you started so you can see how to inspect the value of the field and how to put the user in a group.
Thats where im limited as my code knowledge is lacking
Could you help me out with this ...
say my user field is 5 and my options are Dealer or End User
my user group for Dealers is 10 and my user group for End Users is 11
would my code look something like this???:
if ($user['field5'] == 'Dealer')
$userdata->set('usergroupid', 10);
if ($user['field5'] == 'End User')
$userdata->set('usergroupid', 11);