Let me preface my comments by saying I am a vBSEO user and very happy to be one. It was one of the best decisions I made concerning my vBulletin forums -- and my whole site.
I am so tired of the vBSEO fans making rancorous and snide remarks to people who have a difference of opinion about vBSEO or SEO in general. It's not necessary to add your verbal jabs in order to answer the questions at hand. You do a disservice to vBSEO and its developers and staff. Your sanctimonious attitude and sarcastic remarks are an embarrassment.
All of your facts concerning the issues Caliber has may be correct, but the manner in which you express them could turn a fence sitting potential customer away. Please consider your statements before typing them for all to see.
Caliber, I apologize for my fellow vBSEO users' ill manners. It is not how all of us react to those who have their objections to the script. If you have questions regarding the ability of vBSEO to address any conflicts with other hacks, security issues that may crop up or the options for honoring the license agreement, please do not hesitate to bring them up at the vBSEO forums. I am quite sure you will get answers and I think you will be treated like the important guest you are. At the very least, you may discover other options to your SEO needs.