Originally Posted by Caliber
Hello all,
Although much of vBSEO looks good, we are looking for an alternative to vBSEO because of its weaknesses. Specifically, we would like to have all of the same functionality, but we need the following:
1. vBSEO is encrypted so that if it conflicts with the other hacks that we have installed, it is impossible to modify the code in order to resolve a conflict.
They have fixed every single conflict I have ever had with a clients mods.
Originally Posted by Caliber
2. If and when a security problem is discovered with vBSEO's encrypted code, we cannot fix it and our forums could be open to exploit.
That's why they and every single other company have a suport site to report bugs. Do you fix Microsofts bugs? uhuh
Originally Posted by Caliber
3. Because the vBSEO license requires that you link back to them on every single page of your site, it is easy for anyone to search for vBSEO installations and exploit them.
There are many diferent options available in the license.
Originally Posted by Caliber
4. vBSEO's requirement that you have an outbound link to them on every single page of your site, dilutes your own brand and bleeds PageRank from you to them and thereby negatively impacts your search engine positioning - something that the software was designed to do just the opposite of.
You repeate #3.
That whole malarky on page rank leakage is a myth, and an ilogical one at that. If it were indeed true, then every single directory listing, including DMOZ, Yahoo and joeAnt would all have a page rank of 0. They do not. Google does not punish you for making it easier for them to crawl the web. If you want to get into a debate on that then go over to digitalpoint or somewhere similar and throw your mud.
Originally Posted by Caliber
We approached vBSEO about paying extra for an unencrypted version without the onerous license requirement, but they were unreceptive, so we don't think that this would be a good solution for a large, highly hacked forum. Any alternatives that you might suggest would be most appreciated. Many thanks in advance!
This argument is tired. As with any company, they will change their business strategies when and how they see fit.