I used to make some money at a big board but sold out and created a smaller private one. The big board made alot of money all by subscriptions. While similar sites were selling subscriptions for alot of money the membership was not growing. I figured that this was due to high subscription prices and started a site purely as a test to my theory. I ran 3 subscription packages at $5 a month recurring $15 every three months non-recurring and a $25 for six month package. The site took off to about 2500 subscribing members in a years time. . It was alot of money. And alot of headaches which I gladly walked away from it. I now have a small site with 180 members and about 145 are paying subscribers. Its private and the members have been together for almost 5 years. I profit about $600 a month and once a yaer give most of it back in raffles.