Here is my code from the page that is calling the include that is bringing up the Fatal Error on line 150...
HTML Code:
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<td class="center_headers">Site Announcements - Welcome to Vertical Terrain! </td>
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<td><p title="">Welcome to Vertical Terrain, your online ski and snowboard forums and communities! This site was recently launched and is therefore still growing. This site was designed as a community for people who share a passion for skiing and snowboarding. Check out our forums where you can discuss anything related to skiing and snowboarding, meet other members from all over the world and have all your questions answered! Here you will be able to discuss a variety of things from your favorite mountain to your favorite run. Read and write reviews on different resorts and ski equipment. Buy or sell your new and used ski or snowboard gear with our classifieds or purchase new equipment at our online shop (coming soon!). If it involves skiing or snowboarding you can be rest assured that you will never have to look any further than Vertical Terrain! Make sure to tell your friends and spread the word about this site because it's going to be blowing up faster than you think! Thanks for stopping by and we hope you enjoy your stay. Have fun on the slopes and stay safe! </p>
<p>Best Regards,<br>
Vertical Terrain Staff <br>
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<td class="center_headers">Site Announcements - Forums are up! </td>
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<td><p title="">The Vertical Terrain forums are officially up. The forums are currently undergoing a massive remodel in terms of looks (the idea is to make them match with the rest of the site) so you may feel free to register and post as much as you'd like just don't be alarmed when all of a sudden colors and page layouts in the forum are changing! We promise we will get it taken care of as fast as possible but none of the changes or maintenance will effect your ability to post or respond to topics. Having said this feel free to register as a member and use the forums as much as you would like! This is purely a cosmetic change and the forums will not be down at all during our remodel. </p>
<p>Best Regards,<br>
Vertical Terrain Staff </p>
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