I must be a complete imbecile.
I cannot figure out how to do this.
Loaded PAN. But nothing done to vB just yet.
Do I install this module then? Or do I have to mess with some templates first?
There are several references to
a thread here which says place the "invocation code" into "PHPINCLUDE_START" template. There is no such template in vB 3.5.4. So where does that invocation code need to be placed?
From what I understand PHPINCLUDE_START was replaced by a "Hook" in the Module system as "global_start". Do I add the invocation code in there?
The above step is where I am stuck.
Will installing this mod replace the step of adding the invocation code, or still require it?
If it does not require it, then I have an issue. Once I installed it (no invocation code in global_start hook), when trying to edit a template to include <a .../>, the save process just seems to hang and returns a blank page after editing the template. When refreshing the edit page, the changes to include the <a... /> code is not there.