Originally Posted by teedizz
Hello, first off. Great Hack!
Im using a custon so editing my navbar wont make the " mp3 player " tag show up. I want to put the mp3 player where it says " Advertise ", of course ill change the " Advertise " pic to Mp3 Player but I dont know how. Can you advise me on how to do it. Below is the code in my header template & I know where the " # " is where i should put the path to the mp3 player but im lost when it comes to that. Can you tell me what should go there bro. Thanks
<td valign="middle"><a href="#"><img src="street/advertise.gif" border="0" alt="" /></a></td>
Hi, and thanks!
You will still need the javascript in the code, for the popup to work. The part of the code with the '#' symbol in tells your browser not to change the current page (but is needed for the popup code to work correctly). You're not the first to ask this question with reference to having a custom style, I remember someone else had a similar query.
Here's the modified code you would need.
<!-- vbMp3 Player Start -->
<script type="text/javascript">
function OpeniPod(){
iPod = window.open('ipod.htm','iPod','directories=no,height=430,width=190,location=no,menubar=no,resizable=no,status=no,toolbar=no')
return false;
<td valign="middle"><a href="#" onclick="return OpeniPod()"><img src="street/advertise.gif" border="0"></a></td>
<!-- vbMp3 Player End -->
Obviously, you would change the 'advertise.gif' to whatever the image you wish to use for the player.
Hope that helps you!