Originally Posted by Lizard King
Does John have any obligation against you ? No
Does John tries to support a favoroute hack like this ? Yes
Does John tries to fix the bugs ? Yes
Do you ask what really John doesn't need to do ? Yes
And afterwards poeple complain why there is not so many good modifications at vb.org anymore. Because of people like you who doesn't know any single word being polite or kind.
I wish John released v3arcade as a paid modification only.
I have a gripe with people like that too.
To the whiners:
The simple fact is this. As a standalone product v3arcade is pretty good. So it doesn't get updates too often and John isn't overly reliable... so what. He's released the hack for free. He doesn't have to support it. Hell he doesn't even have to visit the thread after the release. People should be grateful that he released it, it's as good as it is, and at least tries to help folks out.
Still, it's much easier to critisise and find fault than to accept the good about it, eh?
Read the first line of my sig. Parts of this thread are a prime example of how true the statement is.
Could I just point out one more simple thing. If MZP was to stop supporting ibp tomorrow, people would be in uproar about that too "stuff this, I'm going to v3arcade!!". These are
free hacks given by people donating their
free time. If you don't like it then learn php, mysql and the innards of vB and do something better yourself.