I customized my default style to the colors and options I wanted instead of installing a different style. Not sure if that was smart as I assumed it did not make a difference.
My portal was VBA CMPS. I turned it off today and and wasn't tweaked out of the regular options either.
The one thing weird that I forgot to add was when VB SEO was installed, I put my URL in as portal page which was not the root. My URL was forced over to
http://www.anyforum.com/cmps_index.php intead of
http://www.anyforum.com "anyforum" is just and example for this posting.
VBSEO did not like the cpms_index.php extension, so I used the straight URL which landed people at my forum home. I know it's odd stuff and you can see my explanation below.
I inherited this forum right after it was installed and it would seem that the person who installed it did not put the root in the right place? He is a VB savvy person and maybe he did this for a reason?
Unfortunately he broke contact with me and the other partner as he had personal issues. We couldn't contact him for weeks on end and when we did I think he just wanted out, so we left him out.