Originally Posted by ChrisTech
Wish I had read that, before I just attempted the upgrade. Grrrr!
And why would you release a new hack version, if you were gonna be offline for a week? I really don't get it. I think this is it...time to head to IBpro for good.
It's just too ignorant to see someone release an update for a hack, then just be gone for a week....
Anyone got that handy link to convert a v3 arcade to IBpro ? I'm off the V3 Arcade for good now.
It's an excellent, open-source hack. You can't really be angry at John for being unable to fully support the modification; he's not getting any revenue from it - so it's difficult to find time to support it.
I just wish there were a 3.5.x version... this thread was originally the 3.5.4 version, but it got changed to 3.6.x. :ermm: