Originally Posted by mdevour
TMM-TT and Aylwin have both listed features they'd like to see added. I've my own list as well. If we can attract the interest of a couple more folks who've used or are using it, we may have enough momentum to make a go.
Well, there's actually more to think over, like this:
If someone on your forum starts to abuse a newsgroup, you really like to remove posts from that user. The problem is that when a post has been sent to a newsgroup, you can't delete the post (only local), unless you send a cancel-message to the group. Deleting a post in a forum doesn't send any cancels, and it's too late to stop such message, as fast as it has reached usenet. I've been thinking of this before, how this would work if such function was added, that sends cancels to a group when something is deleted on the forum.
There's a few risks to think of too. Like admins that gone crazy and starts canceling everything in a group. But then, we have message id's. If something could identify the local post so cancels only can be made on posts that come from the forum, that could be possible to avoid. Cancels can always get bypassed, but if it can be made harder, moderating local users on usenet could be an idea too. Another problem is when someone on usenet reply a local "abuse", that cannot be moderated. Etc etc.