I've just updated the template for 3.6.1 compatibility. You can download it at the top of the page.
Originally Posted by mlucek
Very nice !! I like it
There still appears to be problem with vBAdvanced 2.2.0 & VB 3.6.0.
Either the header doesn't fill out the page, or it's the sideblocks pushing out the left/right columns. 1st pic shows VB default style, 2nd pic shows FreshBlue style, see how the left/right columns are pushing out the borders.
For details on how to setup vB Advanced please see my
previous post. I just tested vBA compatibility on a fresh install of the software and it's working fine (
link) now that the spacer_open and spacer_close fix has been applied. Make sure that the template 'adv_portal' is not customised. If it is then click revert.
You may wish to fix a small problem- your images for forum status (maybe post too) are using vaya.ws as a source!
Free templates and free hosting, aren't I generous.

(Fixed, thanks for the heads up)
I would like to tighten the margin of the entire forum, include the images. Where can I adjust that. Bring all the sides and top in by about 100 px, including the corner images.
Go to the edit CSS page and adjust the margin value for 'CSS Selector: body'. That will push everything in/out/all about. Be warned though, you will have to also adjust the dropdown menu CSS as it will also be affected. Details on that
Also, is there a way to add in a logo to the top (I've removed the text at the top, and want to replace topleft.gif with a larger version with a logo in).
<h1 id="sitetitle"><a href="index.php">vB 3.6 Template Demo Forum</a></h1>
... in the header template and replace it with the image that you would like to appear in its place. Do not modify topleft.gif, as that is guaranteed to result in big headaches all around. As with the change mentioned above, you may need to alter the dropdown menu CSS if the height of your logo is greater/less than the height of the standard text.