Thats what they are currently (can't have trailing slash) .. i tried /images/buttons which had the same effect.. returned even less images... like even the dropdown arrows and buttons were missing..
still no style or css on the pages tho..
i can give you the exact text if you run this file Attachment 53877
PHP Code:
[cellpadding] => 6
[cellspacing] => 1
[closedthreadimage] => images2/buttons/threadclosed.gif
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[imgdir_button] => /images/buttons
[imgdir_editor] => /images/editor
[imgdir_misc] => /images/misc
[imgdir_poll] => /images/polls
[imgdir_rating] => /images/rating
[imgdir_reputation] => /images/reputation
[imgdir_statusicon] => /images/statusicon
[titleimage] => /images/Hiplogo3.jpg
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