Originally Posted by hippsta
Ok that problem is solved.. ^.^ /cheer.. i AM a total 'tard lol!
it works for me like this in the config:
PHP Code:
// ## Changes Directory so it can accesss vBulletin IF we are outside the forums folder, if not this is not nessary ## chdir("/");
// ## Set's the base root directory back to the forums for all images ## $img_forums = "http://www.mysite.com/";
except! every other time literally that i hit refresh on /groups/index.php.. the group image doesn't load... and just like most others, my style images; (gradients, table, alt-table) don't load at all.
Thank You for Your Time and Effort!
edit: i take back the 'literally' it just loaded 2 in a row ^.~
in your GRPS options, change the random image count down to three and as for your images, please see my
previous post directed at ericgtr