Well I finally got everything worked out last night. I ended up reinstalling 3.6.1 and that did the trick along with me undoing the other things the install script did.
I then reinstalled and did all the edits again manually and it seems to be working fine right now. I have my fingers crossed...
I believe what caused my problem was the Thread Decay System........
At any rate the script is running fine right now though I still have to test it's functionality.
I appreciate the time and effort that has been put towards this and towards helping me last night...
I believe the install would be much simpler on a standard vb site..
If anyone would like to test this product feel free to check out my site. You would be doing me a favor also because as I said, I have not checked the functionality yet.
I am creating a temporary user for everyone...
It is called
password will be zoint
This will get you registered access...