Originally Posted by BuRNZau
Love your work Evercraft and Farcaster. :up:
Is there a way to make the (Allow users to specify that they will be attending this event) box ticked by default or even better locked so it will always turned on?
Yes, follow these instructions and it will make the "Allow Users to Enroll" check box checked by default for new events:
1. In the AdminCP, go into Plugins & Products -> Plugin Manager.
2. Find the plugins for the product "Event Attendance".
3. Open the plugin "Event Attendance - add enroll to create form"
4. Blank out the entire code window and replace it with:
PHP Code:
if (($type!='recur') OR (($type=='recur') AND ($vbulletin->options['enroll_reoccur']))) {
$disablesmiliesoption.='<div><label for="cb_rollcall"><input type="checkbox" checked="checked" name="useroll" value="1" id="cb_roll" tabindex="3" '.$useroll.' />'.$vbphrase['roll_allowenroll'].'</label></div>';